Shipping policy
In order to provide our customers with the absolute best value for their money, we ship our products directly from our factories in the Asian Pacific. This way, we are able to cut out the costly middle man and translate those savings directly to your pocket. We ask that our customers allow 5-20 working days (depending on your location) after shipment for their order(s) to arrive.
We take care of all tax import duties.
On the rare occasion, orders with multiple items may be sent out separately due to stock being held in different warehouse locations.
How long is delivery?
Average dispatch time - 24-48 hours*
5-12 Business Days (US, ASIA, AU)
5-15 Business Days (EU)
*This is an average. Please understand, once orders are dispatched from our warehouse, your parcel is in control by our delivery partners and we have no control over the speed of delivery. Delivery times depend on the courier. Some countries may take longer due to customs clearances and should allow further time. Delivery time doesn't include dispatch time.